Q: I can’t afford to pay for your services as my claim has been rejected and I have no money coming in. Can I set up a payment plan or pay you once my claim is approved?

A: As a general rule, full payment must be received prior to the start of service. The reason is that ACG’s core business mission is to serve the disabled claimants; therefore, we rely on those payment of fees in order to continue our operations. Our fees are structured in such a way that those who need the most help will pay the lowest consulting rates. ACG also offers multiple payment options including acceptance of all major credit cards. If however, you are in a financial situation where you have no other means of payment, ACG can make special payment considerations based on your individual circumstances. Our consultant will be happy to discuss some options with you.

Q: Why should I hire you (ACG) instead of a lawyer? Wouldn’t hiring a lawyer be more effective against the insurance company since a lawyer has legal clout?

A: There is definitely a time and a place for hiring a lawyer, but ACG believes that seeking legal recourse should be the last resort, when all other means to resolve the claim have been attempted. The legal process is usually quite lengthy and very costly. If you are considering legal representation, please first contact ACG for your free no-obligation consultation to consider all your options. Generally, insurers are very reasonable, if you know how to reason with them. They would also prefer that their jobs be made easier. ACG knows exactly how to make their jobs easier as our consultant has done the job of a claims adjudicator and case manager. Once the insurer is given the right kind of information and the right kind of rationale, conflict or issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently, without using costly legal intervention.

Q: Lawyers don’t charge any fees until they win the case, but you collect your fees upfront. Can you guarantee a successful outcome?

A: We can’t guarantee a successful outcome but we will work on your behalf until we have exhausted all possible means of recourse. Because we are familiar with how the industry works, we have had excellent results in resolving claims quickly and efficiently. We have found that when you can present the facts of the claim to the insurer in a logical and compelling manner, the insurer usually takes the path of least resistance and approves the claim.

Q: A lawyer has lots of resources at his disposal to take on an insurance company. How can I be confident that you can represent me adequately?

A: ACG has partnered with several disability claims lawyers who we regularly turn to for legal advice when required. Rest assured that if your claim ever needs legal representation, you will be referred to a capable and caring lawyer who shares the same values as we do here at ACG. Because we have the experience and expertise in managing disability claims, we are able to recommend sound and reasonable case management plans to insurers who have adopted our recommendations and as a result, appropriate resources have been granted to our clients–paid for by the insurer!
